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Oak Grove Fire nearly out, but Utah’s fire season not over yet

LEEDS — A fire that tore through 696 acres near the Oak Grove campground by Leeds is almost out, according to fire officials.

Fire officials say the rain Tuesday and Wednesday along with the hard work of wildland firefighters helped to almost completely extinguish the fire. Only a few hotspots remain. The Utah Fire Info website currently reports 10% containment, but that number will be updated in the next few days.

Summer monsoons gave significant moisture to Southern Utah, making plants and soils more resilient to fire. In fact, fire restrictions for the entire Dixie National Forest have been removed.

But Kevin Abel, public affairs officer for the Dixie National Forest says even after rain the risk of a wildfire is never zero.

“In the wilderness there’s always areas that are dry. Just like watering your lawn,” said Abel. “The whole lawn doesn’t soak up the same amount of moisture. Same thing up in the forest. There’s dry spots, there’s wet spots.”

Abel said that while people are out enjoying the nature in Southern Utah, they need to make sure they are being “fire wise.” Do not park a car over flammable plants, do not engage in risky activities with flammable materials, and make sure fires are “dead out,” meaning cool to the touch, before abandoning a campsite.

Abel said the Oak Grove campground will remain closed until at least September 15th. Abel said while the damage to the area is significant, the fire mostly moved up the mountain taking out scrub oak and other shrubs, leaving the large ponderosa pine trees unharmed.

Fires can be reporter to 9-1-1 or to the Color Country Interagency Fire Center at (435) 865-4611.

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