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How to vote in today’s Republican Primary Election

ST. GEORGE — Washington County voters have a chance to vote today in the Utah Republican Primary Election. Here’s how.
The primary is a preliminary election to narrow down the pool of candidates before the general election in November. Several state and US Senator and Representative positions are up for election, as well as county commissioner positions.
If you are a registered republican in the state of Utah, you can show up to the polls any time today before 8 PM, with a valid ID, and cast your vote.
The voting location in St. George is at the Dixie Convention Center, but there’s also an in-person voting center at the Hurricane Community Center.
If you’re a registered voter but unaffiliated, you can also show up in person today, with an ID, change your affiliation, and vote in the primary.
Even if you are a new or unregistered voter, there still might be a way to get your voice heard today, by voting through a “provisional ballot.”
This means you show up in person to the voting center, provide the poll workers with your personal information, and fill out the provisional ballot. Over the next several weeks, if the poll workers are able to verify your information you will become registered to vote in Utah and your vote will therefore be counted.
The polls close at 8 PM, but if you’re in line by 8 PM you will still get a chance to vote.
For more information on voting near you, go to